Projects Jobs Skills
Contact me

I am Ana Bergese.

< Fullstack Web Developer || Frontend enthusiastic >

Know more about me

I'm a Junior Full-Stack Developer graduated from Le Wagon academy. I am a multifaceted person, with personal interests and work experiences in different fields, which you can discover throughout the tour of my website. I redirected my career towards web development because I want to exploit my creative skills and logical-mathematical thinking, to contribute to projects that have a beneficial impact on our society.

Jobs experiences

Barcelona from 2021

Technical Support Engineer


Barcelona 2020

Technical Support Analyst

Nice People At Work (NPAW)

Teleperformance Portugal

Barcelona 2018-2019

Content Moderator at TikTok


Barcelona 2018-2019

Customer Service at Glovo

Teleperformance España

Argentina 2012-2018

Digital Marketing and Sales

E-commerce CbaFederal



Fullstack Web Developer Bootcamp

Intensive coding bootcamp learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES6, SQL, Git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails.

Le Wagon. Finished: June 2021.


UX and IxD expert course

The design process in the context of software development (principles of design, UX research techniques and more).

National Technological University. Finished: 2020.


Degree in Human Nutrition

Four years that allowed me to have a solid knowledge about the nutritional quality of food and food products available for human consumption.

National University of Córdoba. Unfinished.


Diploma in Gender Violence.

Interdisciplinary views on gender violence and prevention scenarios for it. Analysis of history, movements, and actions.

National Technological University. Finished: 2020.


Degree in Social Anthropology

Capable of research on habits, attitudes, opinions, behaviors, values, beliefs, and ideologies of human groups from the perspective of social and biological anthropology.

National University of Córdoba. Finished: 2017.

Soft Skills

  • Team commitment
  • Adaptability
  • Empathy
  • Investigation and Resolution skills
  • Fast learning
  • High volume concept learning
  • Capable of Multitask
  • Time management
  • Organizational skills

Technical skills

  • HTML, CSS, Styled-Components, JavaScript ES6
  • Typescript
  • React
  • NodeJS
  • Heroku and Ruby on Rails
  • TDD, Unit Tests, Jest
  • GPT
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap
  • Stimulus
  • Git, GitHub
  • Slack and Jira, Confluence and Trello
  • UI & UX techniques
  • Figma


  • English, advanced
  • Spanish, mother tongue
  • Portuguese, beginner